What rhymes with poked?

List of words that rhyme with poked in our rhyming dictionary.

Poked rhymes with:

choked, cloaked, evoked, invoked, joked, provoked, revoked, smoked, soaked, stoked, stroked, unprovoked, yoked

Poked sounds like:

pabst, paced, packaged, packed, packet, packett, packwood, pact, pacto, paged, paget, pagett, pagette, pagoda, paquet, paquette, pascutto, passat, passed, past, pasta, paste, pasted, paucity, paused, pazuto, peaked, pecht, pecot, peeked, pegged, peixoto, pepcid, peseta, pest, pesta, peugeot, pfost, phagocyte, phased, phaseout, physicist, piaget, pichette, picht, picked, picket, picketed, pickett, picotte, pictet, pieced, piechota, piggott, pigott, pigsty, piqued, piquette, piscataway, pisciotta, pissed, pizatti, pizzuti, pizzuto, poached, pobst, pocked, pocket, pocketed, poised, pokeweed, poquette, posada, posed, posit, posited, possessed, post, postdate, postdated, posted, postit, poust, pseudo, psyched, puckett, puget, puget-1, pushed, pussycat

What rhymes with poked?