What rhymes with pamphlet?

List of words that rhyme with pamphlet in our rhyming dictionary.

Pamphlet rhymes with:

leaflet, amulet, applet, autopilot, ballot, belet, bielat, billet, boomlet, bracelet, branchlet, bulat, bullet, charlot, charlotte, chocolat, chocolate, cholet, consulate, copilot, cullet, defollet, desolate, droplet, eyelet, gantlet, gauntlet, giblet, gillott, goblet, goldblatt, greenblatt, grillot, gullatt, gullet, gyropilot, hamlet, harlot, helot, inarticulate, lancelet, leaflet, marlatt, mellott, merlot, millet, milot, mullet, noblet, octuplet, omelet, palate, palette, pallet, pallett, particulate, pellet, pelot, pilot, platelet, quintuplet, rosselot, scarlet, simulate, skillet, starlet, tablet, template, toilet, triplet, vallot, violett, wallet, youngblut, zealot

Pamphlet sounds like:

penfield, penfold

What rhymes with pamphlet?