What rhymes with inhibit?

List of words that rhyme with inhibit in our rhyming dictionary.

Inhibit rhymes with:

prohibit, prohibit, abbot, abbott, cabot, celebate, celibate, garbutt, habit, halibut, hurlbut, hurlbutt, inhabit, jackrabbit, kabat, kubat, marbut, nisbet, orbit, prohibit, rabbit, sherbet, talbot, talbott

Inhibit sounds like:

imbed, imbedded, imbibed, imbued, impede, impeded, impute, imputed, inbody, inept, ineptitude, infatuate, infatuated, inhabit, inhabited, inhibited, innovate, innovated, input, invade, invaded, invite, invited, invitee

What rhymes with inhibit?