What rhymes with habitues?

List of words that rhyme with habitues in our rhyming dictionary.

Habitues rhymes with:

virtues, antoniu's, argues, bayous, ceausescu's, compus, continues, corpuz, cuckoo's, cuckoos, curfews, dacruz, dangews, danju's, debuts, delacruz, deroos, donoghue's, eigenvalues, fondues, fujitsu's, ginsu's, gorguze, grandnephews, haikus, honolulu's, hormuz, issue's, issues, issues', kamakau's, kanemaru's, mathews, matthew's, matthews, menus, mongosutu's, nephew's, nephews, palau's, pelekunu's, quazulu's, rodrigeuz, sununu's, tadeusz, toews, undervalues, values, values', venues, virtues, w's, w.'s, w.s, zulus

Habitues sounds like:

habitat's, habitats, habits, haft's, hafts, hafts', heifetz, hepatic, hepatitis, hibbitts, hoevet's, hoffitz, hypotheses, hypothesis, hypothesize

What rhymes with habitues?