What rhymes with foretold?

List of words that rhyme with foretold in our rhyming dictionary.

Foretold rhymes with:

extolled, told, tolled, untold, ahold, behold, bold, bowled, cajoled, cold, consoled, controlled, decontrolled, dold, doled, enfold, enrolled, extolled, fold, fourfold, gold, golde, hold, holde, holed, machold, mold, mould, nold, nolde, old, olde, outsold, oversold, paroled, patrolled, polled, remold, resold, roald, rolled, scold, sold, strolled, told, tolled, twofold, uncontrolled, undersold, unfold, unsold, untold, uphold, vold, withhold, wold

Foretold sounds like:


What rhymes with foretold?