What rhymes with feigel?

List of words that rhyme with feigel in our rhyming dictionary.

Feigel rhymes with:

beigel, geigle, heigl, reigel, seigel, sigle, veigel, waigel, weigel, wigle, wygal

Feigel sounds like:

facciola, facial, facile, fagley, faisal, fascell, fassulo, fasulo, feagle, feasel, feazel, feazell, fecal, fegley, fessel, fickel, fickle, fiegel, figallo, figel, figley, fiscal, fiscally, fischel, fischl, fishel, fishell, fishkill, fishlow, fissel, fissell, fissile, fizzle, focal, fogal, fogel, fogle, foglia, foglio, fossel, fossil, foxhole, foxwell, fuklah, fusilli, fussell

What rhymes with feigel?