What rhymes with azores?

List of words that rhyme with azores in our rhyming dictionary.

Azores rhymes with:

zorz, abhors, adores, boers, bores, bors, chores, clore's, cohrs, cores, corps', delore's, delors, deplores, door's, doors, drawers, explores, floors, four's, fours, gore's, gores, guarantors, hors, ignores, implores, kohrs, mor's, morze, nemours, oars, ores, outdoors, outpours, outscores, pores, pours, restores, roars, roehrs, rohrs, schorr's, scores, shore's, shores, soars, sores, spores, store's, stores, stores', storrs, storz, timor's, underscores, war's, wars, wars', whores, zorz

Azores sounds like:

accessories, accessorize, accor's, accrues, accuracies, accuracy, accuray's, accurso, accusers, acker's, acquirer's, acquirers, acquires, acreage, acres, across, acura's, acuras, agers, agers', aggress, agrees, agregious, agrexco, agrico, agrusa, aguirra's, aguirre's, ahasuerus, akers, akers's, aquarius, asarco, asarco's, ashcreek, asker's, askers, askers', askers's, assessors, assuras, assures, augers, augurs, azcarraga, azhar's

What rhymes with azores?