What rhymes with pentagon's?

List of words that rhyme with pentagon's in our rhyming dictionary.

Pentagon's rhymes with:

pentagons, pentagons, pentagons, pentagons, pentagons, hogan's, hogans, pentagons, agamemnon's, ailerons, amazon's, amazons, antiphons, avalon's, axons, crayons, deuterons, echelons, farrakhan's, germiston's, helicons, hogan's, hogans, icons, infotron's, lexicons, liaisons, lifson's, lubicons, marathons, mesons, micron's, microns, neons, neutrons, nylons, olajuwon's, pentagons, photons, pompons, positrons, proton's, protons, pylons, ragavan's, reveron's, slip-ons, upjohn's, walk-ons

Pentagon's sounds like:


What rhymes with pentagon's?